TWR India made an ambitious plan to distribute 4,880 radio home kits to families in unreached people groups over the course of 2019 and 2020. Due to COVID-19, completion has been delayed, but to date, they have distributed over 3,800 kits in 27 different languages. The team plans to complete the distribution of the remaining 1,121 kits as soon as possible.
One of the languages is Varli. In order to help distribute the kits, a gathering was organised in a village in India. Seventy-six people attended from various villages, including some people who had had to travel long distances. Each attendee committed to starting a new radio home group in their area, which will enable a small group of people to gather regularly to study the Word of God, using the radio home kit. During the meeting, the Bishop of the Church of North India joined online to share a Gospel message.
The translator and presenter of the Varli Bible study shared his story: “My grandfather was involved in missions several decades ago, and he used a wooden stick to strike a steel plate to get the attention of the villagers to gather together so that he could share the truth with them. He travelled from one village to the next. Today, I am using a digital media player to do the same in the villages here. No one needs to travel day after day as the player stays with the people I visit. I am so thankful to God and to TWR India for this valuable resource.”
In addition to giving out radio home kits, TWR India has recently distributed 39 tablets with Discipleship Essentials content on them. The tablets serve as a primary tool for radio home group leaders to deepen their Bible knowledge and develop as leaders. One recipient shared the following: “With the other leaders of radio home groups, we watch the DE videos once a week in different houses. After viewing the video, we use the study guide and discuss what we have learned. The study clears many of our doubts and is a great blessing.”
Mr. Kalara shared with us how the study helps him grow deeper in love with the Word of God. “I am thankful to God for this insightful study on discipleship through TWR. Every Thursday we gather with radio home group leaders at one place and spend time working through a topic. It has equipped and motivated us for an effective ministry. Whatever we learn in the lessons, we try to share with others and help them understand the core of discipleship.”
Praise God for the work He is doing in India! Pray that leaders will continue to be equipped and grow in their knowledge of the Gospel. Pray that those who have received a radio home kit will be blessed and invite friends and family members to join their groups.