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12 November 2021

God is moving in the ministry in Quebec! Annabelle, a telephone operator at the Hope Line, recently answered a call from a lady who had been feeling very lonely and depressed for some time, due to restrictions from the pandemic. Annabelle shared with us, “she made a profession of faith with me on the phone! By the end of our conversation, her attitude had changed and she felt more serene. I am so grateful to God for choosing to use me for his works! Thank you, Lord!” Praise God for this testimony.

The Hope Line is part of our follow-up ministry in Quebec. Listeners can call in and volunteers answer questions about faith, respond to requests for literature and connect callers with local churches. Since the start of the pandemic, calls have been going up and more people have wanted to discuss faith, as well as request material. Prior to the pandemic, they would be connected to a local church who would deliver material to them and follow up on any questions they may have. With current restrictions and guidelines, Aujourd’hui l’Espoir has altered its approach to follow-up. Now, when someone requests material, it is mailed to them and the local church will follow up a few weeks later.

Another Hope Line operator shared this story: “This lady was like most Quebecois, brought up in another religion in which she felt disappointed and was searching for more. For a while, she approached an alternative religion but she was disappointed by the teachings she heard. She had been searching for several years without finding a true relationship with God. Finally, she ‘stumbled’, as if by chance, on the programme Parole Vivante. Hearing what was being preached that day, she realised that this was what she had been searching for.

The following week, she again ‘stumbled’ upon the programme without really looking for it. In that moment, she realised that it was God who was guiding her and answering her prayers. Listening to the programme confirmed this.

She called to receive the book One Heartbeat Away, which led to a discussion about being saved by grace alone (Ephesians 2:8). This lady was ready to receive Christ in her heart! We prayed together and right away she asked me for the name of a church where she could be instructed in the Word of God. Hallelujah!”

Join us as we thank God for these wonderful testimonies. Pray for the people of Quebec, where it is estimated only 1% would call themselves evangelical Christians. We praise God for using our ministry to draw people to himself and we look forward to what he has prepared in the future.
