We cannot even begin to imagine where His mercy can take us. Indeed, our God has a plan for each of us. My name is Hana and I am serving with the TWR Women of Hope ministry in Croatia.
About 23 years ago I was a drug addict but God liberated me from my addiction. For 15 years I have worked with drug addicts in rehab centres in Spain, France, Croatia and Serbia. Serving God is something I am passionate about because I firmly believe that what I have received I have to give.
When I heard about this ministry and its radio programmes, I felt like God was calling me so I responded. Last month I was presenting the TWR Women of Hope ministry to pastors and leaders; afterwards, I walked around the church giving a prayer calendar to every person I encountered.
One pastor stopped me and said: “Interesting how God sooner or later does what He planned with us.”
Surprised I said, “Excuse me, I don’t understand.”
He smiled and said that 20 years ago he had heard me when I was a guest being interviewed on a radio programme. Apparently, I was speaking about drug addiction whilst sharing my testimony. The host of the programme asked me if I had ever thought about working in radio because she saw that I had a talent for it. When this pastor reminded me about that interview I was so surprised and touched.
He said: “God gave you a talent, and now 20 years later you are doing what He always planned for His kingdom,” and he blessed me and the ministry.
I never could have imagined that I would be making radio programmes. I doubted if I was good enough for this ministry, so the words of that pastor were extremely supportive and encouraging.
May I encourage every one of you reading my words to know this: God gave you talents, and He will use them for his glory. You will be so blessed knowing that you are serving the King of kings and that you are chosen and worthy!