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6 November 2018

TWR-UK has a longstanding relationship with MERA (TWR in Hungary). Next week we will be hearing from our CEO about his recent visit to Hungary and how the ministry is going over there. In preparation for that, here is a story from a listener in Hungary.

This letter has long been formulated in me. MERA has been very important in my life for years. The truth is, sometimes words cannot express it.

In everyday life, I always look forward for the new programmes to be uploaded on the website and can’t wait to listen to them. One by one I listen to all the programmes, the sermons, the testimonies and teachings. I can download all and listen to them again and again!

I am a kindergarten teacher, so I am in contact with many people. Many times I see into families’ lives, their joys and difficult situations, as well. I also often recommend MERA programmes to them to listen to. I’m so glad when they tell me about the blessings of what they heard on these radio programmes! Not only I and my loved ones but also my friends and acquaintances are faithful listeners of MERA broadcasts.

Years ago, when I discovered the Internet broadcast, I was certainly very grateful for it. In spite of how hard it used to be to catch the Trans World Radio broadcasts, I can remember that Grandma and I listened! Thanks to our great God for the broadcasts!

Unfortunately, my grandmother is no longer among us, but we believe that she is with the Lord now. It’s so wonderful that now we can easily listen to the Gospel message. Thanks to God!

I admit that I listen to the MERA programmes while doing household chores. Thank you for the many nicely prepared programmes, and I am sincerely grateful to our God. God bless you and give you strength for the continuation of the work in his service. You are all in my prayers.
