Last year, TWR India began distributing tablets to radio home group leaders with Discipleship Essentials content loaded on them. Although the pandemic has prevented the distribution from being fully completed, many have already received the tablets and have greatly benefited from the content, which has helped them get through this difficult season.
We continue to receive reports from recipients; here are just some of the powerful testimonies we’ve received.
Soumily, who has been part of the radio home group, joined the Discipleship Essentials monthly leader’s meeting in her village recently. She found great encouragement from watching the videos on the tablet that was provided to her group. The programmes captivated her interest. She says, “I have learned from these sessions how discipleship begins and grows through faith. I have also learned how obeying the Word brings fulfilment to a person who is a disciple of Jesus.”
Malobika is a housewife from a Christian family. For the last two years, she has been leading a radio home group. “Now, I have the great opportunity to join the leaders meeting to study the Discipleship Essentials material. I agree that God has a plan for each of our lives. I believe that according to his plan, in any circumstance, we should glorify him and praise him. Thanks for reminding me that whatever I do, it must be for the glory of God. Everybody can know the love of God through our lives, and through this process, discipleship can be possible. Thank you so much for the beautiful teaching about discipleship.”
Ms Tumpa, a radio home group leader from West Bengal, had a chance to attend the Bengali study during which she received answers to many questions she had concerning her faith and was able to know the Word of God in greater depth. She said, “it has been a golden opportunity to equip myself with God’s Word and it has also helped me in improving our radio home group meetings and my own spiritual life.”
Mr Lalsingh comes from the western region of India. He is a leader who has been captivated by the videos and content to the extent that he has taken it upon himself, with the help of a co-believer, to educate and train their fellow radio home group members in the Word using the tablet content. He reported, “I am grateful to God that we have been able to use these tablets for studying the Word. This has familiarized us with the subjects that are essential for every Christian leader. It has helped us in our efforts to be true children of God.” He hopes the ministry will take root and impact the lives of many more across India. He says, “I have seen many lives changed as a result of this content and I hope it will make a huge difference in the ministry. I hope this will be made available to every leader to equip them for the ministry.”
Lastly, Rawanchung shared that his family dedicates one evening per week to learning from Discipleship Essentials. “We listen to four programmes each month. We begin with a prayer and then watch the video, after which we usually have a short discussion among us, giving our own opinions. We have known Christ better through this project.”
Join us as we rejoice and thank God that TWR India has been able to distribute tablets to home group leaders, even during the pandemic, and that it’s already having such a positive impact. Pray for the continued safety of the team, as they aim to finish distributing the tablets.