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Persian Speaking World: Seeking Jesus Online

19 May 2022

Across the Persian-speaking world, it is dangerous to be a Christian. Believers are forced to be a lot more private about their faith. Many turn to social media to connect and build each other up in Christ, as well as to find programming and resources to grow in their faith. TWR’s Persian ministry is a small part of that online connection, through our Radio Sedaye Enjil web radio station and social media sites.

While our Persian ministry team faces a lot of barriers in reaching out to the Persian-speaking world, they have been encouraged through the responses they have received by email or on social media.  We are excited to share some of the stories of how God is using Radio Sedaye Enjil to encourage people’s faith.

A young man found our web radio station in his search for Christ. He shared with our team, “I have a very religious family and my father is one of the high-ranking officers in the military. In our house, Islam is everything. We practice every single Sharia law. I do what my father asks of me, and like everything else, I follow his orders. When I was about 23 years old, I noticed two things missing from our house: God and love. There is no God in our house, there is just Sharia law.

“Last year we went to Mashhad, which is a very religious city for prayer. On the second day of the trip, I was in the market and a young lady came up to me and gave me this small book wrapped in a newspaper. She said that this book is a gift from God, and then she disappeared. I was scared when I found out that it was a Bible, and I hid it in my backpack until we got back home. This book changed my life as I went through it for eight months to make sure I read and understood it. During this time, I tried to connect with Christian people on the internet and they were very helpful to direct me to apps and websites to learn more. One of the most interesting apps I discovered is your radio app. You have so many wonderful programs. My life now has God and love. Thank you, God, and thank you all for your hard work.”

A listener in Afghanistan has also found comfort in Radio Sedaye Enjil. They shared, “I’m following you from a land of darkness, loneliness and suffocation. But God is with me, and I have all the hope and strength that I need for these days. Because of Radio Sedaye Enjil I’m not going to lose my hope. Please pray for me and my people and keep broadcasting the Bible. This is the only hope for many people here.”

Another listener recently shared, “All day and all night, I listen to the radio. I listen to these voices which are like perfume, sharing the Word of God. I listen to the heavenly worship songs and give thanks to God for his gift of love. This is how I start each day, so I want to sincerely thank you for this radio station. Sharing the gospel is a blessed work. God be with you.”

The people of the Persian-speaking world have few options when it comes to learning about Jesus. But through social media and other online resources like Radio Sedaye Enjil they have found a way to grow in faith and connect with other believers.

Praise God for the many Persian-speakers who are seeking him in difficult circumstances. Pray that these brothers and sisters in Christ would know God deeper through our programmes and other means so that they can grow in their faith. Please also continue to be in prayer for our team as they connect with believers.
