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13 October 2020

Today we share with you a message of encouragement from the TWR Women of Hope team. One of the team shares her person experience, as well as insight from some of the women they work with in Africa.


“We have seen God doing wonders and answering our prayers. Some of our supplications and petitions seem so urgent, but the One who never sleeps nor slumbers watches over us day and night and faithfully pays attention to our cries.

It is easy for us to thank God when things are going well, but I have learned to admire him during tough times. Challenges have helped me to put all my trust in him who is the author and the finisher of our faith. After every test I have encountered, I find new ways of serving him. One of the ways I serve him is as a worship leader.

People of Africa, especially women, know how to render their gratitude to God. You can hear the response of their hearts from their way of singing. Women can write new songs based on the situations they experienced; they sing victoriously, not worried about what tomorrow might bring. Is it not exciting to hear that?

Even when our background is very challenging, we have learned to offer our thanks to our Creator, the almighty God. Because we were well raised, we learned how to show respect to others. In fact, some of us unwisely continue to show respect and deference to others even when they abuse us. 

Some women today are very bold to share their stories, but there was a time when many of them did not have that confidence. We at TWR Women of Hope reach out to women to teach them their identity in Christ.

According to Psalms 150:6, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.” There is no excuse or reason for not acknowledging and honouring the Lord’s goodness to us all. He is the reason we breathe in and breathe out. Everything came into existence because of him; it all depends on him alone, the one who created everything in order to subdue all unto Him.

All humankind is in a void seeking to serve or worship something. In Africa, we create awareness in women so that they can learn ways to give praise unto our Father. All we need is to continue to give praise to God as he is the one who loves us unconditionally.”


Join us as we praise God for all he has done for us! We thank Him that we are able to connect with him through prayer, and that he hears us. We pray for the continued work of TWR Women of Hope and that women around the world would find peace and encouragement in the Lord at this time.
