TWR Women of Hope Romania has a unique and beautiful way of sharing the gospel to meet the needs of prisoners and their families.
Last Christmas, a drama was performed by prisoners and for prisoners from eight different prisons. The women also performed the drama in their home prison, where their children could attend and meet with their mothers there.
The most impactful aspect of all involved a trip to a day-care centre to perform for 40 Roma children. The ministry’s national coordinator, who created and directed the drama, described “a sacred moment” that brought tears to the eyes of the prisoners and staff members. After the performance drew to a close and Christmas carols were sung, the Roma children ran into the arms of the prisoners, many of whom were missing their own children. Hearts were truly full of joy during those fleeting minutes.
The message of the baby Jesus in the manger moved the hearts of both adults and children as they listened to an explanation of why he came down to earth and what his purpose was here. Jesus lived a perfect life on earth and always obeyed his Father. We know that we do not live perfect lives here on earth, but by the gift of faith, we come to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, strength and mind – and to love our neighbours as ourselves.
The apostle Paul, in the book of Ephesians, speaks about being a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of the Gentiles. Paul explains that it is in Christ that we as believers are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. This is how we go from the prison of sin to peace of redemption.
Join us as we thank God for the opportunity to share the Gospel in meaningful and creative ways. We pray for the work of TWR in Romania and ask that more people would come to know Jesus.