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Hoian, Vietnam


29 January 2019

Preaching the Word of God in the rural parts of Vietnam brings some significant challenges. It is difficult for missionaries to work without attracting unwanted attention, and many areas are too remote for the limited number of travelling evangelists to reach.

TWR’s radio ministry is ideally placed to fill the gap. Through a combination of shortwave radio programming and on-the-ground follow-up, TWR seeks to minister to the people of Vietnam in projects including:

  • Bamboo Shoots is a twice-weekly programme that seeks to reach Vietnamese children who do not have the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ otherwise.
  • Door to Heaven is a programme that reaches out to Vietnamese people in the rural parts of the country who are interested in and investigating the claims of the Gospel. Believers are able to invite their friends to listen to the programme with them and so the Gospel is presented in a non-threatening setting.
  • New Journey is a programme that seeks to build up new believers in Christ, with content that teaches them how to apply the Bible in their daily lives, overcome temptation, witness to others, and be good stewards.
  • Vietnamese Listener Group Care is a project for the thousands of listener groups that have been formed as a result of TWR’s radio distribution efforts. As many listeners living in rural areas either cannot write or afford postage, our ministry workers have to travel across the country so they can follow up with our listeners.


Here are three short letters from listeners of TWR’s Vietnamese broadcasts:

“Before I became a believer, I did not have peace inside me. But from the moment I accepted Jesus as my Saviour, my life was changed. I became filled with peace and the joy. I have a radio from TWR, with which I listen to God’s word. My faith in Jesus is growing.”

“I’m 52 years old. My family and I live in a remote area. Because of your broadcasts, we can listen the Word of God. Thank you for helping all the members of my family grow in their faith.”

“I gladly listen every evening and the word of God touches my heart. In the past, I persecuted my children when they came to the Lord. I have since repented of my sins, turned to the Lord, and now I love Him. I used to watch TV until it was late, but now I listen to God’s Word through your programme and go to bed with a prayer. Thank God for His love so great that Jesus died for my sin on the cross!”

