If someone came to your door and asked you to tell them about Jesus, you wouldn’t hesitate.
There are more than 100 million people in China who have never been reached with the Gospel. And today, you have a chance to tell them about Jesus.
Yes, it’s complicated. China’s government monitors churches, and China has well over 300 languages; millions of people in China speak languages you’ve probably never heard of.
But thank God, He has given us a way to reach into China through the SON-Lift Project. Jesus declared, “I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32) and lifting Jesus up is exactly what this project does.
It’s an integrated media strategy — internet where possible, shortwave radio where necessary, even handheld media players — sharing 60 dramatised Bible story programmes about Jesus’ ministry in 15 Unreached People Group (UPG) languages.
God has already begun this work. TWR has translated, produced, uploaded, broadcasted and distributed programmes via the web and shortwave, as well as face-to-face using over 4,000 personal media players in 10 provinces. People are coming to faith in Christ already through this outreach!
Believers across China are “adopting” language groups to help reach them, and TWR is also working with missionaries and individual UPG believers on translation, programme production, and media distribution. They’re taking serious risks for the sake of the Gospel. We’ve got to stand with them.
We’re at the limit of what we can do without fresh support from caring Christian friends like you. As you read this, some of the work to complete the translation, production and distribution in all 15 UPG languages is on hold because we are looking for suitable partners for translation and production. The good news is that a gift of £10 to the project is a giant leap forward, helping to reach hundreds more people with Gospel.
You will be sowing the seeds of the Gospel in one of the biggest and most complex mission fields on earth. Evangelism is extremely difficult in some areas of China. In some places, a person can get in serious trouble for sharing the Christian faith. But in the dark of the night, in the privacy of your home, you can tune a shortwave radio to our signal … and now, even with no Bible in your language, you can discover Jesus.
Imagine receiving such an astonishing gift. Finally, for the first time in your life, you can encounter the Good News. You can experience that first flicker of faith … and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour!
Trans World Radio UK is registered with the Fundraising Regulator.