TWR’s Farsi ministry has been growing and adapting to the needs of its audience, particularly in light of the situation in Iran. It offers a variety of programmes, including podcasts that actively engage with listeners through a variety of digital platforms. The ministry has recently received positive feedback for their interactive live sessions, such as one session held on Mother’s Day with callers from Iran. With a team of 35 people and expanding, the ministry’s reach extends not only within Iran, but also internationally. Despite challenges, such as the forced repatriation of Iranians from Türkiye and the need for support for families affected, the ministry continues its mission.
Pand, a word which translates to “wise words” in Farsi, is a collection of specialised Christian programmes including child-rearing guidance, daily Bible lessons, marital advice, and family-oriented content, with each episode running 15-30 minutes. As societal needs shift the Pand series adapts leveraging TWR’s cloud-based WinMedia system for flexible scheduling.
Pand is expanding with an increasing number of programmes. In response to the situation in Iran, the team developed new content, including semi-live podcasts that encourage audience participation. Their well-equipped facilities enable listeners to join via WhatsApp, engage in conversations, ask questions, receive answers and benefit from prayers and support. This approach has been well received, as evidenced by positive feedback. For instance, the team hosted a live session where they connected with mothers in Iran for Mother’s Day, offering blessings and inviting them to share their cherished motherhood memories.
Regarding live programmes, listeners can call in, tune in online and interact with the team while they’re in the studio. Contributors from outside the studio, such as experts in Türkiye also participate in the podcasts. A recent programme was edited and broadcast in Asia within just two minutes, showcasing the team’s commitment to producing high-quality content.
Currently, two key contacts in Iran are focusing on social media. One is adept at understanding and catering to the interests of the youth and the other serves as a scriptwriter and producer. The goal is to enable them to contribute to the studio remotely, reducing the need for travel and associated costs.
Persian World Radio
Persian World Radio (PWR) is focused on reaching audiences in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan with the message of hope, salvation and love (Acts 1:8).
The team is expanding their radio programmes, with new content in several languages spoken in Iran, including the Bible in Gilaki, Balochi, Farsi, Turkish and Kurdish languages and dialects. This expansion is in preparation of the upcoming 24/7 Persian World of God Radio.
Team Joys and Challenges
An urgent matter for prayer is that some Farsi ministry friends and team members are being compelled to return to their country of origin. Once back, they often find themselves without a recognised status, which greatly affects their lives. The lack of a legal identity impacts employment opportunities and children’s education. For instance, negative administrative decisions can lead to children being omitted from school examinations, erasing their academic achievements. This causes significant distress and warrants our prayers.
Families facing the decision to return to their home country often endure hardships and must consider perilous alternatives for a safer future. TWR has provided support, including legal assistance, for those who lack the means to secure adequate representation. The issue of exploitative housing practices also poses a significant challenge, with individuals facing financial losses due to invalidated agreements. These are the concerns we bring to prayer and the motivation behind the Farsi team’s dedication, which includes producing original content and adapting existing material for our audience.
The Farsi team is expanding, with 35 dedicated individuals, some with exceptional talents in areas like script-writing and animation. One new member, with a doctorate in their field, excels in both teaching and script creation. Another brings over two decades of experience in film and media, adept at organising film festivals inside and outside of Iran. They both love the Lord. Their dedication to their faith is inspiring and indicative of a broader divine vision for the people of Iran and neighbouring regions.
To cater to the Farsi ministry’s diverse audience, the team launched a multilingual website initiative. Many in the region understand Farsi, despite variations in the script, but the addition of other language dialects will greatly increase the reach.
The Farsi ministry’s programming extends beyond the primary offerings to include a range of podcasts that provide spiritual guidance and support. Titles such as What Day Is Today connect cultural observances with biblical insights, while Story Time brings biblical narratives to life for younger listeners. The recently updated website now offers better access to content, complete with an automated schedule and a feature for sharing audio prayers to comfort and encourage others.
Looking to the future, the Farsi ministry wants to establish a presence in Iran, trusting that God will show the way forward. The current socio-political landscape has opened doors for meaningful conversations and a growing interest in spiritual perspectives. The team is committed to being a beacon of hope, offering the infallible truth of God’s Word to those looking for hope.
Prayer Matters
• Pray that key ministry contacts will be able to obtain residence permits in Türkiye.
• Pray for God’s provision for studio equipment needed for the PWR studio.
• The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas has made it even more difficult for refugees in Türkiye to travel. Pray that Farsi-speaking contributors to the Women of Hope programmes will be able to commute to the recording studio within the country.
• Pray that the Farsi team will find more ways to promote their content in Iran because most social media platforms are being banned within the country.
• Pray that PWR will continue to be a fountain of living water for those thirsting for God.