TWR Swaziland airs programmes in 31 languages, reaching millions of people in southern, eastern and central Africa with the hope of Christ. But there’s more to it – this TWR location has quite the history!
Over 45 years ago, TWR purchased the plot of land where they would build a transmitter that would reach many in southern Africa. As construction plans were laid out, it became clear that purchasing and transporting the sand to construct a building would be much more expensive than originally planned. Where would they get the money? The team started praying that God would provide the funds, never dreaming that he had a much bigger idea of how he would provide!
Not too long later, Swaziland experienced a severe thunderstorm that lasted for three days. When the workers came to check for damage at the site, many people were worried. Would there be extensive damage, requiring much more work and more money to get their project up and running? Instead of damage, they discovered something very different. Sand! A vast amount of sand had been deposited in the stream next to the site, and upon testing, they realized that it was the exact quality of sand they needed! What had originally looked like a disaster turned out to be God’s provision of exactly what they were asking him for!
The transmitter site has been broadcasting since November 1, 1974. Today, the site consists of three 100-kilowatt shortwave transmitters and a 100-kilowatt medium-wave transmitter that broadcasts across southern, eastern and central Africa.
The current edition of our magazine Listening World focuses on the ministry in Africa. In it you can read about how God’s faithfulness has been steadfast in spreading the Gospel across the continent of Africa through many ways and means including the provision of peanuts!
The magazine includes prayer points to help you in praying for our ministry – the ways we give thanks to God for His goodness and the plans for how we hope, with His help, to develop and expand the work.
You can get your free copy by entering your details at