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Ukraine Update: Roma Revival?

8 September 2022

A spiritual awakening appears to be occurring amid the horrors of war in Ukraine. Henrietta*, the coordinator for TWR in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, reports learning that several hundred Roma people in Ukraine were baptized recently.

The Roma, once known as Gypsies, form the largest people group in Europe and are among the most persecuted.

As we’ve reported before, it’s believed that hundreds of thousands of Roma people live in Ukraine. A TWR programme, Roma Camp Moves On, continues to provide biblical teaching for this group. We hope to learn more details about the reported awakening among the Roma.

So far, we’ve seen screenshots of what appears to be an outdoor service with many people robed in white. It is at least a matter worthy of hopeful prayer.

Meanwhile, Alex Chmut, director of TWR Ukraine, has been in demand as a speaker at churches and conferences.

Here’s a look at a few of them:

  • A Baptist Church near the Slovakian border hosted and fed more than 3,000 refugees during the “hot phase” of the war, according to Chmut. It still shelters refugees from the east and south of Ukraine. He participated in two services attended by more than 250 people. “Before the service, I met with a soldier brother who came for a rotation, and he says our videos in the trenches are like a breath of living water,” Chmut wrote.
  • Several churches in a community near Kyiv invited Chmut to be the featured speaker at an outdoor gathering. More than 100 people attended, and nearly all said they listen to TWR Ukraine programmes or watch the videos, Chmut reported.
  • Chmut spoke on “Challenges for families at war” during a family conference that drew participants from six Ukrainian cities and two regions. “In the midst of war, we continue to be called to serve families,” he wrote.

Listeners continue to share their appreciation. “Thank you for the mind and hands of those who made this little radio, which brings great joy to all who use it,” a woman from Ukraine’s Khmelnitsky region wrote. “It is spiritual food with everything I need for life – promises, advice, wisdom, comfort and support.”

Prayer Points

  • Lord God, we ask your protection for the Roma people affected by this war, and we praise you that many seem to be coming to Christ at this time.
  • Thank you, Lord, for continuing to protect Alex Chmut and the team at TWR Ukraine. Please continue to give them strength as they serve during difficult times.
  • We continue to lift up TWR’s contacts in Russia and Belarus. The war has also taken a toll on them and made their work even more challenging. May there nevertheless be much fruit in these countries.

 *A pseudonym for security purposes.
