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Ukraine Update: Summer of Service

22 September 2022

This is how Team TWR Ukraine spent their summer vacation:


  • Building small houses for refugees.
  • Preparing medicines for soldiers and sending them to the front.
  • Washing mountains of dishes.
  • Serving one bowl of soup after another.
  • Cooking. “I fried thousands of meatballs,” one of them reported.
  • Starting their routine between 5 and 6 in the morning, and ending it late in the evening. Rest. Repeat.


Their country is at war, and most of them are separated from family members. They’ve provided a steady stream of programming to speak to the hearts of other Ukrainians from a Christ-centred perspective.


But for their summer holiday, the small crew at TWR Ukraine went to work on behalf of people whose war misfortunes have been even greater than their own, the ministry’s regional coordinator reports.


While Team Ukraine served people who have been displaced within the country, it’s known that millions have fled to other parts of Europe. The United Nations estimates that more than 867,000 of them are in Germany. That’s the home of Evangeliums-Rundfunk, or ERF, which is TWR’s oldest national partner.


A group of Ukrainian refugees recently visited the ERF office to let the staff know how grateful they are for TWR Ukraine programmes.


Similarly, the Belarus team visited two churches on a recent Sunday and encountered many TWR listeners. A woman wearing a dark jacket and a white shirt stood in a crowded church to assure them that she prays regularly for them.


Such encouragement means so much to those doing the Lord’s work in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine in these difficult times.


Prayer points:


  • The United Nations reports that at least 12 million Ukrainians have fled their homes, although hundreds of thousands have been able to return. The refugee crisis continues, however. Please ask the Father to care for his children and to bless those providing care.
  • Ask God to bless Team TWR Ukraine and our contacts in Belarus and Russia as they continue to serve in trying circumstances.
  • Pray for a great spiritual harvest in these nations as our teams continue to share the truth of the gospel through media.

